Joey’s Song
Joey's Song raises money to fund research into treatments and cures for epilepsy. We host concerts featuring Rock Roll Hall of Famers, Grammy winners and Top 40 artists. On the podcast we talk with our artists, industry leaders and our key contributors to find out what makes Joey's Song so important to them.
To learn more about Joey's Song visit us at Joeyssong.org and follow us on social media @joeyssong on all the popular platforms.
Joey’s Song
A Few Minutes About...Silversun Pickups
Have you ever wondered how a band from LA’s Silver Lake District could ascend to national acclaim with their distinctive alt-rock sound? Get ready to uncover the compelling journey of Silversun Pickups, from their early days in 2002 to their rise with iconic records like "Carnavas" and "Swoon." We'll walk through the memorable singles that have defined their career, such as "Lazy Eye" and "Panic Switch," and explore the band's evolution with albums including "Neck of the Woods," "Better Nature," and the Butch Vig-produced "Widow's Weeds." Plus, you'll get an intimate look at the process behind some of their most impactful tracks, thanks to personal stories and insider insights.
In this episode, we also spotlight Silversun Pickups' versatility, highlighting their unique covers of Yoko Ono’s "Move on Fast" and Joe Jackson’s "I'm the Man." Hear about my unforgettable visit to Butch Vig’s studio with my son, where we got a behind-the-scenes look at the making of "Widow's Weeds" and "It Doesn’t Matter Why." Additionally, learn about the meaningful work of Joey's Song, a charity dedicated to epilepsy research and their annual Freezing Man festival. Support Silversun Pickups by enjoying their music, attending their shows, and contributing to a cause that makes a real difference.
Visit www.joeyssong.org to learn more about Joey's Song and the work we do and get details on our next set of shows. Also be sure to follow us on all popular social media platforms with our handle @joeyssong
Joey's Song is a federally registered 501(c)3 charity that raises money to fund research into treatments and cures for epilepsy. Joey's Song is 100% volunteer with no paid staff, so we are able to convert more dollars into life saving research.
Our Joey's Song family of artists include Rock N Roll Hall of Famers, Grammy and Emmy winners and Top 40 hitmakers.